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What should you keep in mind when adding content to Facebook?

Content marketing
Justyna MądroJustyna Mądro
Published: 23.07.2019
2 minute

The importance of content marketing activities, surely no one needs to be convinced. It is worth noting, however, that the work on the text does not end when it is published. Reaching a group of the right people who will be interested in our content is sometimes as big a challenge as preparing a valuable text.


With the help of social media, where we can find the right ones thanks to the huge number of users. There are several options available on Facebook that make it possible for you to reach your target audience more precisely and present your content in a more attractive way. Check out what to keep in mind when adding content to Facebook.


Interactive Facebook ads

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Facebook is one place that stands out for its huge potential to bring valuable traffic to our blog. When creating content, it is worth helping potential readers to reach you more easily. It is important to skillfully differentiate yourself from competing content and catch the user’s attention.

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If you want to promote prepared text with Facebook Ads, consider using the Canvas format – it’s an interactive ad that displays on mobile devices, also called Instant Content. It can include images, video content, a carousel of images, text, or CTA buttons. You can find out more here.


Interesting fact: ASUS in 2015 produced a commercial titled: “No more bad gifts.” The company saw a 42% increase in the number of clicks on the ad, and people who clicked on Canva spent an average of 12 seconds more viewing content. In addition, 70% of people who clicked on the ad after learning about Canvas, transferred to the ASUS website.


Editing links on Facebook


It’s worth checking what content your readers are most interested in. The post title, description, and photo are usually fetched by Facebook by default based on the metadata in the text. If you’re using WordPress, you can define all of these elements using the Yoast SEO plugin. In the appropriate fields, you fill in information about what Facebook should display to your readers:

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It is worth remembering that the graphics to link to our text should be 1200 x 630 pixels. The plugin also allows us to edit content on Twitter.

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If we don’t have the Yoast plugin, we can also define the appearance of the text ourselves after adding it to Facebook through edit code. Be sure to paste the various elements in the <head> </head> section and define the following by yourself:

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Source: Facebook

Tip: If you want to check if the link will look correct after adding it, you can use the Sharing Debugger.

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Different content for different users


When creating a post, you have the option to select specific people who will see the post on your newsfeed. You can specify interests, gender, age and other characteristics of the audience.


If you run a fanpage in two languages or the text you have prepared is only available in English, for example, you can restrict the audience group by location or language at the time of publication.


Go to Settings on your fanpage, select the General option on the left and check the item: Audience group updates and post visibility.

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This way, when we publish an entry, we have the ability to very precisely reach a specific audience with the article. Under the entry, we select a toothed circle, in which, when expanded, we will see the option of audience groups to choose from:

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So we can accurately specify age, gender, interests, location or language. In the More Demographics tab, however, we can specify the relationship status or education level of our group.

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Make yourself known to those who already know you – Facebook pixel


Installing the Facebook conversion pixel on your site, you can display promoted content to those people who have already visited your site.


For example, if someone has visited a subpage that shows your company’s contact information, and you are just publishing new content on your blog and you want to remind that person, you can target the advertisement of the new text to a group of people who have visited the subpage of your choice in your Facebook ad panel.


This form of promotion will also work especially well if you run an eCommerce store where someone has searched a particular product category, and you add information thematically related to that section to your blog. Then it’s a good idea to test targeting text advertising to a group of people whohave already expressed interest in the topic by visiting a particular subpage.


In Facebook Ads Manager, you create a non-standard audience group by selecting the Audience Groups tab in Sources:

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Next, check the Web site traffic option:

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In the next step, we need to specify what page users should visit in order to see our promoted content. We also specify what time period the users are interested in, and name the audience group, so that we can later select this group directly in the advertising panel.

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Publish content on Facebook as a publisher


Facebook also provides an interesting solution for publishers, i.e. media-related companies and entities. For some time now, they have been able to publish express articles. This is a journalistic format that displays on mobile devices and in Messenger, allowing users to view selected content much faster. It has an interactive and visually appealing form, which further grabs the attention of readers.

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Facebook estimates that an express article displays about 10 times faster than content on a standard mobile site, saving the reader time while allowing them to read the text directly from within Facebook. This is a great solution especially for site owners who have problems with optimizing their site for loading speed. You can read more about Express Articles here.


From this level you will also give your fanpage the ability to publish express articles. It is worth noting that express articles can also be hooked up to Google Analytics, so you can analyze the traffic from these publications. For details on how to connect the two, see here.


To apply for express content publishing, you must have added at least 10 draft articles. When you go to your fanpage to the Settings tab, you will find the express articles tab on the left side:


If you don’t publish content for a while or it has a small readership, Facebook may revoke your article publishing privileges. It will then be necessary to reapply for this ability. Once the status is granted, you just need to configure the tool accordingly. Below is the range of necessary points.


Statistics and effects


Control the effects of your actions by checking the right statistics. In addition to the UTM tagging of links leading to text on your blog, you can also check how how many times users have clicked on the link, directly in the fanpage statistics. By going to the Statistics tab, you will see the overall organic reach of all posts. By clicking on a selected post, you’ll see how specific interactions are performing.


What to keep in mind when adding content to Facebook? Summary

Facebook is a site with enormous potential thanks to the data users share about themselves. It’s worth taking advantage of the opportunity to increase traffic to our blog by testing the listed features. We may end up with a group of dedicated readers who will keep coming back to us for a long time to come.

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Justyna Mądro

Marketing Manager w DevaGroup. Prowadziła wykłady z zakresu marketingu i reklamy w sieci na studiach podyplomowych Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie.

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