How to find long-tail keywords: Essential tactics for better SEO

Keyword Research Long-Tail Keywords
Adrian IganskiAdrian Iganski
Published: 05.02.2024
12 minute

Learning how to find long-tail keywords is an essential skill for any digital marketer or content creator. These keywords, which are typically longer and more specific than their short-tail counterparts, can help you target niche audiences and improve your website’s search engine ranking. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and advanced techniques for finding long-tail keywords, as well as how to optimize your content for them. By mastering the art of finding long-tail keywords, you can drive more qualified traffic to your website and increase your chances of online success.

Key Takeaways
  • Google autocomplete and Google suggest are invaluable for uncovering long-tail keywords that target niche audiences effectively.
  • Senuto’s Keyword Explorer feature facilitates the discovery of long-tail keyword opportunities by providing insights into search volume, competition, and bid prices.
  • Competitor analysis can reveal long-tail keywords that are successfully driving traffic to rival sites, offering strategic opportunities for your content.
  • Incorporating question modifiers into your keyword strategy can significantly enhance the relevance and specificity of your long-tail keywords.
  • Optimizing content for long-tail keywords involves not only strategic keyword inclusion but also building comprehensive content that addresses the specific queries and needs of your target audience.

Strategies for finding long-tail keywords

Long-tail keyword research is crucial for targeting niche audiences and driving qualified traffic to your website. In this section, we will discuss various strategies to find long-tail keywords, introduce long-tail keyword finder tools, and emphasize the importance of finding qualified searchers.

Using Google autocomplete and Google suggest for finding long-tail keywords

Google autocomplete and Google suggest are powerful tools for finding long-tail keywords. As you type a query into the search bar, Google automatically suggests related search terms, which often include long-tail keywords. To use Google autocomplete for finding long-tail keywords, simply start typing a relevant keyword and observe the suggestions provided. The benefits of using Google suggest for long-tail keyword research include discovering popular search terms and identifying potential keyword opportunities.

Leveraging keyword tools: Senuto

Senuto is an essential keyword tool for long-tail keyword research. This tool provides valuable insights into search volume, competition, and suggested bid prices for various keywords. To use Senuto for long-tail keyword research, enter your seed keyword and analyze the results for potential long-tail keyword opportunities. Additionally, you can compare different keyword tools like the keyword magic tool and keyword tool dominator to find the best fit for your needs.

Identifying long-tail keyword opportunities through competitor analysis

Competitor analysis is an effective method to identify long-tail keywords and uncover keyword opportunities. By analyzing the keywords your competitors are targeting, you can discover potential long-tail keywords for your own content. To identify long-tail keywords through competitor analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your top competitors in your niche.
  2. Analyze their content and identify the keywords they are targeting.
  3. Look for long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business and have a reasonable search volume.

Additionally, you can use a long-tail keyword generator to find keyword opportunities and further refine your keyword research.

Using question modifiers to find relevant long-tail keywords

Question modifiers can help you find relevant long-tail keywords by focusing on specific queries that users may have. Examples of question keywords include “how,” “what,” “where,” “when,” and “why.” By incorporating question modifiers into your keyword research, you can target user intent more effectively and drive qualified searchers to your website. For instance, if your seed keyword is “digital marketing,” you can use question modifiers to find long-tail keywords like “how to create a digital marketing strategy” or “what are the best digital marketing tools.”

Advanced techniques for finding long-tail keywords

In this section, we will explore advanced techniques for finding long-tail keywords, such as using a long tail keyword generator, implementing a long-tail keyword strategy, and discovering long-tail keyword examples. We will also discuss the importance of long-tail queries and topical long-tail keywords for achieving long-tail keyword success.

Using keyword suggestion tools for finding qualified searchers

One advanced technique for finding long-tail keywords is using a keyword suggestion tool. These tools help you discover new keyword ideas and variations, which can lead to finding qualified searchers for your content. Some popular keyword suggestion tools include Senuto, Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer and Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools provide valuable insights into related searches, organic keywords, and keyword variations, allowing you to refine your keyword strategy and build a comprehensive keyword list.

Using Senutos’ Keywords Explorer for finding keyword phrases and suggestions

Senutos’ Keywords Explorer is a powerful long tail keyword generator that can help you find relevant keyword phrases and keyword suggestions for your content. To use Senutos’ Keywords Explorer, enter your seed keyword and analyze the results to discover new keyword ideas and variations. The tool also provides insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and click-through rates, allowing you to make informed decisions about which long-tail keywords to target. By leveraging Senutos’ Keywords Explorer, you can build a robust keyword database and improve your long-tail keyword strategy.

Using Google Trends for finding topical long-tail keywords

Google Trends is another valuable tool for finding topical long-tail keywords. By analyzing search trends and popular topics, you can identify long-tail keywords that are currently in high demand. To use Google Trends for finding long-tail keywords, enter your seed keyword and analyze the results to discover trending topics and related queries. You can also compare different keywords and analyze their search volume over time, helping you identify potential long-tail keyword opportunities. By incorporating Google Trends into your long-tail keyword research, you can stay ahead of the competition and target keywords that are relevant to your audience’s interests.

In conclusion, advanced techniques for finding long-tail keywords, such as using a long tail keyword generator, implementing a long-tail keyword strategy, and discovering long-tail keyword examples, can significantly improve your content’s visibility and drive qualified searchers to your website. By leveraging tools like Senuto, you can refine your keyword strategy and achieve long-tail keyword success.

Optimizing for long-tail keywords

In this section, we will discuss how to optimize for long-tail keywords, effectively use long-tail keywords, and track their performance. We will also explore strategies for building content around long-tail keywords and adding qualifiers to target them more effectively.

Building content around long-tail keywords

To build content around long-tail keywords, it is essential to understand how long-tail keywords work in content creation. Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive than short-tail keywords, making them ideal for targeting niche audiences. Here are some strategies for building content around long-tail keywords:

  1. Identify your primary long-tail keywords and incorporate them into your content’s title, headings, and meta description.
  2. Use supporting long-tail keywords throughout your content to provide additional context and improve your content’s relevance to search queries.
  3. Create in-depth, informative content that addresses the specific needs and interests of your target audience.
  4. Use internal and external links to connect your content with other relevant resources and improve its overall value.

By implementing these strategies, you can create content that effectively targets long-tail keywords and attracts qualified searchers to your website.

Targeting long-tail keywords: How to add qualifiers

Targeting long-tail keywords requires a strategic approach, and one effective method is to add qualifiers to your keywords. Qualifiers are additional words or phrases that make your keywords more specific and relevant to your target audience. Here are some tips on how to add qualifiers to long-tail keywords:

  1. Use geographic qualifiers, such as city or region names, to target local audiences.
  2. Add descriptive qualifiers, such as colors, sizes, or materials, to provide more context and specificity.
  3. Incorporate action-oriented qualifiers, such as “buy,” “compare,” or “learn,” to target searchers with specific intents.
  4. Use question modifiers, such as “how,” “why,” or “what,” to target informational search queries.

By adding qualifiers to your long-tail keywords, you can improve your content’s relevance and visibility in search results, ultimately driving more qualified traffic to your website.

In conclusion, optimizing for long-tail keywords involves using them effectively, tracking their performance, and building content around them. By implementing strategies such as adding qualifiers and targeting specific audiences, you can improve your content’s visibility and attract more qualified searchers to your website.

Common challenges in long-tail keyword research

While long-tail keyword research can be highly beneficial for targeting niche audiences and driving qualified search traffic, it also presents some challenges. In this section, we will discuss common challenges such as low search volume and keyword difficulty, and how to interpret search intent and keyword search volume data to overcome these obstacles.

Dealing with low search volume in long-tail keyword research

One of the main challenges in long-tail keyword research is dealing with low search volume. Since long-tail keywords are more specific, they often have lower monthly search volume compared to more competitive keywords. However, this does not mean they are not valuable. Here are some strategies for dealing with low search volume in long-tail keyword research:

  1. Focus on the quality of search traffic rather than the quantity. Long-tail keywords may have lower search volume, but they often attract more qualified and engaged visitors.
  2. Analyze search volume data in conjunction with other keyword data metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, to determine the overall value of a long-tail keyword.
  3. Target multiple long-tail keywords within a single piece of content to increase the overall search traffic potential.
  4. Regularly monitor and update your long-tail keyword strategy to stay ahead of changes in search trends and user behavior.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively deal with low search volume in long-tail keyword research and still drive valuable search traffic to your website.

Overcoming keyword difficulty: Tips and tricks

Keyword difficulty is another challenge in long-tail keyword research, as it represents the level of competition for a particular keyword. Competitive keywords can be harder to rank for, but there are ways to overcome keyword difficulty and improve your chances of ranking for long-tail keywords. Here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Focus on specific search intent to target keywords that are more relevant to your target audience and less competitive.
  2. Create high-quality, in-depth content that provides value to your audience and addresses their needs and interests.
  3. Optimize your content for on-page SEO factors, such as title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags, to improve your chances of ranking for long-tail keywords.
  4. Build a strong backlink profile by creating shareable content and engaging in outreach efforts to gain high-quality, relevant backlinks.

By following these tips and tricks, you can overcome keyword difficulty and improve your chances of ranking for competitive long-tail keywords, ultimately driving more qualified search traffic to your website.

In conclusion, long-tail keyword research presents challenges such as low search volume and keyword difficulty. However, by understanding search intent, interpreting keyword search volume data, and implementing effective strategies, you can overcome these challenges and successfully target long-tail keywords to drive valuable search traffic to your website.


In this comprehensive guide, we have explored various strategies and techniques for finding long-tail keywords, including using Google autocomplete, Google Ads keyword planner, competitor analysis, and question modifiers. We also discussed advanced techniques such as keyword suggestion tools and Google Trends for identifying qualified searchers and topical long-tail keywords.

Furthermore, we delved into optimizing for long-tail keywords by building content around them and adding qualifiers to target them effectively. We addressed common challenges in long-tail keyword research, such as dealing with low search volume and overcoming keyword difficulty, by focusing on search intent, interpreting keyword search volume data, and implementing effective strategies.

By mastering the art of finding and optimizing for long-tail keywords, you can drive valuable search traffic to your website, target niche audiences, and improve your overall SEO performance. Remember to regularly monitor and update your long-tail keyword strategy to stay ahead of changes in search trends and user behavior.


Long-tail keywords are typically longer and more specific phrases that target niche audiences. They are less competitive than short-tail keywords, making them valuable for improving a website’s search engine ranking and driving qualified traffic.

Google autocomplete and Google suggest offer real-time suggestions as you type a query, revealing popular long-tail keywords. These tools help identify potential keyword opportunities by showing related search terms that target niche audiences effectively.

Competitor analysis helps identify the long-tail keywords that are successfully driving traffic to rival sites. By analyzing competitors’ content and keyword strategies, you can uncover strategic opportunities for your own website to target similar niche audiences.

Incorporating question modifiers like “how,” “what,” and “why” into your keyword strategy can significantly improve the relevance and specificity of your long-tail keywords. This approach targets user intent more effectively, driving more qualified searchers to your website. For further insights, consider exploring the benefits of targeting long-tail queries.

Common challenges in long-tail keyword research include dealing with low search volume and overcoming keyword difficulty. However, focusing on search intent and using various strategies can help overcome these challenges, allowing you to target valuable long-tail keywords effectively. For more details on overcoming these challenges, consider reading our guide on identifying low competition SEO keywords and exploring long-tail keyword research tools.
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Adrian Iganski

Copywriter at Senuto - His passion for words has been with him since he can remember.

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